
What exactly is green energy? And how does sustainable energy work? In this workshop by Ekoli, you’ll discover how to generate energy using the power of wind. Build your own windmill and generate your own sustainable energy!


Museum: VIP room


Saturday 28/09

Time Language Age
10:00-11:00 NL – EN 7-10 
11:30-12:30 NL – EN 7-10 
14:00-15:00 NL – EN 7-10 
15:30-16:30 NL – EN 7-10 
10:00-11:00 NL – EN 11-14
11:30-12:30 NL – EN 11-14
14:00-15:00 NL – EN 11-14
15:30-16:30  NL – EN 11-14 

Max. nr of participants: 15

Register here!

Registration is free, but places are limited!

Register 7-10Register 11-14
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