Ann Van der Jeugd, president BeWiSe

More girls need to be encouraged that a career in scientific research is for them.”

The European targets of gender equality won’t be reached without a significant increase in the number of women students choosing science as their subjects. WiseNight seeks to change that and challenge the stereotype of science as a lone male preserve. Scientific research is exciting. It is for the curious and characterised by teamwork and fieldwork.

It is crucial for protecting the health of the planet, particularly as we face the devastating impacts of the climate emergency and biodiversity loss. With WiseNight we aim to show young people of all ages, especially girls, the varied and exciting opportunities they can have in scientific careers and how they can make a difference now and to future generations


Register now

Register for WiseNight and gain free access to the Planetarium in Brussels on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 September and the Museum of Natural Sciences on Saturday 25 September 2021.
